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Invest in a portfolio of
family homes

Property investment without the costs, taxes and hassles of being a landlord.

Invest in a portfolio of family homes

Property investment without the costs, taxes and hassles of being a landlord.


Long Term

Targeting to beat the property index by at least 70%

$100K Starting

Invest in a portfolio of family homes worth $800K-$3M with $100K

No Landlord Costs
or Taxes

Returns from anticipated capital growth, without the costs and taxes of being a landlord.

Long Term Growth

Targeting to beat the property index by at least 70%

$100K Starting Investment

Invest in a portfolio of family homes worth $800K-$3M with $100K

No Landlord Costs or Taxes

Returns from anticipated capital growth, without the costs and taxes of being a landlord.

Targeting capital growth from family homes

House prices have doubled roughly every 10 years for many decades in Melbourne and Sydney, so If you’ve purchased a good family home you’ve probably built wealth. Our fund aims to deliver results by doing what many Australian’s have done for themselves, but at scale, and without the costs, taxes, and hassles of being a landlord.


How the Homes Investment Fund works

Group 306

Accessible investment to family homes

With a starting investment of $100K, investors are able to access a diversified portfolio of established family homes, without the high initial capital that would traditionally be required. You can use your SMSF to invest in the Fund. 

Group 307

Invest without the costs of being a landlord

The fund co-invests along side homebuyers and homeowners in return for a share in the future capital growth of the property through a shared equity agreement. This process allows the fund to benefit from the capital growth of the property without contributing to mortgage, maintenance costs or land tax.

Group 308

RODWELLS approach

We only invest in Robust Older Dwellings on Well-Located Land (RODWELLs), where our data analysis shows land value drives capital growth above the house price index. This strategic emphasis aligns our portfolio with the most reliable drivers of property value growth.

Group 309

Intelligent Asset Selection

Through intelligent asset selection, we utilise advanced data analytics and the deep market knowledge of our in-house buyers’ advocates to identify RODWELLs. This method ensures we target properties that exhibit potential for long-term capital appreciation.

Register Your Interest in the
Homes Investment Fund

Talk to our funds management team today. Investments starting from $100K.

Our Foundation of Trust and Expertise

With over 30 years of property investment experience, Evan Thornley and Antony Cohen formed LongView almost a decade ago.

To date, our fund has raised over $10m of capital from a diverse investor base. Built on LongView’s core competencies as an integrated residential property business, we’re speaking with customers and formally assessing tens of properties every day. And it’s only the best that we select.

Our best in class governance is built on three pillars:

LV Element-01

All investment decisions overseen by LongView’s Investment Committee including independent members.

LV Element-01

Corporate Trustee, Polar 993, oversees in excess of $3bn in assets.

LV Element-01

Auditing performed by EY.

Our Foundation of Trust and Expertise

With over 30 years of property industry experience, Evan Thornley and Antony Cohen formed LongView almost a decade ago.

To date, our fund has raised over $10m of capital from a diverse investor base. Built on a LongView’s core competencies as an integrated residential property business, we’re speaking with customers and formally assessing tens of properties every day. And it’s only the best that we select.

Our best in class governance is built on three pillars:

Untitled design - 2024-03-18T175926.682All investment decisions overseen by LongView’s Investment Committee including independent members.

Untitled design - 2024-03-18T175926.682Corporate Trustee, Polar 993, oversees in excess of $3bn in assets.

Untitled design - 2024-03-18T175926.682Auditing performed by EY.

Why we invest in RODWELLS

At LongView we know housing. We understand how to value it, buy it, and manage it for the long term. We understand the safety and power of investing in family homes, which we refer to as RODWELLS: Robust Older Dwellings on Well- Located Land. These family homes, with valuable land content, are the ideal housing type when pursuing capital growth above the house price index.

Click on the "+" icons above to learn more about RODWELLS

Smart Asset Selection

The Fund’s asset choices are powered by cutting-edge data science combined with decades of field expertise. We efficiently screen hundreds of properties, identifying and securing only RODWELLS, sparing investors the complex and time-consuming process of individual property evaluation. Our smart asset selection ensures we only co-invest in properties that meet our criteria and exhibit potential for long-term capital appreciation.

Watch the video to learn more about the importance of asset selection.

Leveraging Shared Equity, without landlord expenses

We are able to invest in Family Homes without covering property expenses through our shared equity products Buying Boost and HomeFlex.

This mutually beneficial agreement allows us to enjoy the benefit of the appreciation of the property's value, without the usual costs of being a landlord.

Shared equity removes the traditional costs of property investment:

Group 383No Stamp Duty

Group 383No Land Tax

Group 383No Maintenance

Group 383No Mortgage

Driving Social Good

We believe home ownership should not become an inherited privilege. That is why LongView co-invests with some home buyers who don’t have family support for their deposit. The Fund has also assisted people going through divorce in keeping their homes and remaining close to their children’s schools and community. 

Group 312-1

The Homes Investment Fund is open to

Investors with a Self Managed Super Fund

Your SMSF can invest in the Fund to allow diversified exposure to a portfolio of family homes.

Wholesale and Sophisticated Investors

Access investment grade properties without direct ownership hassles.

Family Offices and Philanthropic Trusts

Align portfolio expansion with societal progress through strategic property investment.

Landlords and Property Owners

Simplify real estate investment, avoid management complexities, and capture market growth.

Register Your Interest in the
Homes Investment Fund

Talk to our funds management team today. Investments starting from $100K.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the target returns?

House prices have doubled (source) roughly every 10 years for many decades in Melbourne and Sydney.  

The Fund: 

  •  invests in properties that are expected by the Manager to have better than average capital growth,  
  • co-invests in these properties alongside homeowners allowing it to benefit from the advantages owner occupiers enjoy that direct property investors do not  
  •  consequently we project the Fund’s returns will be higher than the property market index – which has grown 7%pa on average.
How do I access my investment? When you have a traditional direct investment in property, you can only access capital growth when you sell. Through the Fund, your money is invested for 10 years with quarterly returns to investors forecast after the first 2 years. Our modeling suggests that cash paid by the Fund from year 3 onwards will be about 15% of the original investment then rising every year to year 10. 
What type of houses do we buy and how do we choose them? Our focus is capital growth, so we have professional buyer’s advocates backed by data science selecting properties that, in our opinion, are most likely to get above average capital growth across Melbourne, Sydney and Southeast Queensland. We only buy what we believe are good family homes in the $800k-3m price range in good locations. We won’t buy any high-rise apartments or off-the-plan properties.
Who can invest in the Fund? The Fund is only open to investment by “Wholesale Investors” (as defined in the Corporations Act) - your accountant can tell you if you are eligible. In essence, to qualify as a wholesale client, an investor must: a) Have net assets of at least $2.5 million including your family home; or b) Have a gross income for each of the past 2 financial years of at least $250,000.
Does the Fund make money from homebuyers and homeowners? The Fund is designed to make money with homebuyers or homeowners by co-investing with them as part of the deposit or equity in exchange for a share of their capital growth when they sell or buy the Fund out. The Fund only makes money when homebuyers and homeowners make money. It gives Australians who don’t have the “Bank of Mum and Dad” the opportunity to buy a better home, sooner.


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