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Unlock your home equity and invest in what you need now.

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Get the deposit you need to buy a better home, sooner.

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Expert Buyer's Advocacy for confident buying, selling, and investment.


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Invest in a fund that offers exposure to a portfolio of family homes.

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Wherever you are in your property journey, LongView helps you go further with modern solutions.

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Independent Investment Committee Member



About Jo Scotney

Jo has more than 25 years experience across legal, commercial and residential lending, initially as a lawyer and more recently as a Banking executive for Big 4 Banks including NAB and ANZ.  

Jo commences her new role as General Manager, Property & Health, Institutional at ANZ on 30 January 2022 and is responsible for institutional property and health clients nationwide. 

 A qualified lawyer in multiple jurisdictions, Jo has deep experience as an executive in corporate and structured finance, including managing the specialised finance and corporate lending portfolio for Institutional at ANZ, providing structured finance to importers and exporters of major capital goods from OECD companies at ANZ, structuring and underwriting debt to major clients and then distributing or syndicating the debt to other banks or investors.   

Jo also spent several years in London and New York structuring and arranging Infrastructure and Project Financing transactions supporting both clients and financiers as well as securitisation transactions.  

Jo has a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Western Australia and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Company Directors Course. (GAICD)