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Wherever you are in your property journey, LongView helps you go further with modern solutions.

Evan Thornley says this is the best investment in property

The Australian

Residential street

When it comes to understanding the property market, few voices are as compelling as that of Evan Thornley, LongView’s co-founder. In a recent interview with The Australian, Evan dives into what he believes is the best investment in property today, drawing from decades of experience in both the business and property sectors.

Evan’s views are always thought-provoking, offering a unique perspective that blends data-driven insights with real-world experience. For those interested in what sets LongView’s approach apart—and the trends shaping the future of property investment—this interview is a must-read.

You can read the full article on The Australian’s website here.

Additionally, we've made the interview available in a handy PDF format here for easy access and sharing.
