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Unlock your home equity and invest in what you need now.

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Get the deposit you need to buy a better home, sooner.

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Expert Buyer's Advocacy for confident buying, selling, and investment.


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Invest in a fund that offers exposure to a portfolio of family homes.

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Wherever you are in your property journey, LongView helps you go further with modern solutions.



 Alisha Grant

Head of Human Resources


About Alisha

Alisha Grant brings over 14 years of dedicated Human Resources experience to her role as Head of Human Resources at LongView, specialising predominantly in the property industry but in addition to this franchise operations, and the unionised healthcare system.

Leading HR strategy and initiatives to foster a positive and productive workplace as well as supporting executive staff, directors, managers, teams, and individuals. Including organisational development, learning and development, compliance management, change management, Award interpretation, industrial relations, recruitment and selection, performance management, grievance management, safety and policy reviews and implementations.

Alisha has a Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management and was recently awarded the Company Award for LongView.