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Unlock your home equity and invest in what you need now.

BB 5

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Get the deposit you need to buy a better home, sooner.

BA 2

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Expert Buyer's Advocacy for confident buying, selling, and investment.


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Invest in a fund that offers exposure to a portfolio of family homes.

About (1)

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Wherever you are in your property journey, LongView helps you go further with modern solutions.

Natalie Drozdek

Property Manager                         



How long have you been in Real Estate?

"3 Years"

What do you love the most about working in Property Management?

"Building relationships with my clients and being able to assist them!"

How do you provide the best service to your clients? 

"Being proactive and thorough communication"

What's the best advice you can give a Residential Rental Provider?

"Cheaper is not always better"

Why is LongView different to other agencies?

"Longview offers a lot of support, training and development to ensure we are well educated and can give you the best advice"

What do you do in your free time outside of work?

"I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, going to the beach and playing squash/tennis"