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Expert Buyer's Advocacy for confident buying, selling, and investment.

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Wherever you are in your property journey, LongView helps you go further with modern solutions.



 Edward Wu

  Senior Property Manager

   0427 218 210


How long have you been working in the property industry?

"9 years''

How do you provide the best service to your clients?  What is your point of difference?

"We treat every client equally and value customers' time, having a pleasant and proactive attitude, and providing professional advice and solution. We always put our clients first."

What is the best advice that you can give to property investors/owners?

"Get professional advice from the most educated and experienced property manager, it will be a huge benefit to your investment journey."

What do you love the most about working in Property Management?

"We can take charge of your workflow and working somewhat autonomously. Also as a property manager, we are a huge part of people's lives. Every day gives us the opportunity to make someone's life better and make a positive impact on their well-being."

What advice would you give based on your personal property journey?

"Be empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand another person's emotions and perspective."

What does home mean to you?

"Home is a place blessed and where you are loved"