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Unlock your home equity and invest in what you need now.

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Get the deposit you need to buy a better home, sooner.

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Expert Buyer's Advocacy for confident buying, selling, and investment.


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Invest in a fund that offers exposure to a portfolio of family homes.

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Wherever you are in your property journey, LongView helps you go further with modern solutions.

Empowering Homeownership: How Buying Boost Is Changing Lives

Channel 7, National News

In a recent feature on Channel 7's national nightly news, LongView’s innovative Buying Boost was recognised as a game-changer in the Australian property market. This spotlight not only reflects our commitment to making homeownership accessible and affordable but also illuminates the real-life impact on Australian families. The segment features Anne-Kristen, a Buying Boost client (hear more about her experience here), and the Haymans, who we were working with at the time.

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We’re so proud to let you know that 2 days after we filmed this segment, our team was able to buy the Hayman’s a wonderful home where they can grow their family. These real stories are a testament to our vison of a more equitable property landscape and how we’re working to create solutions that help real Australian families. 
