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The path to home ownership

can feel confusing.
We’re here to support you

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Ten ways to save for a house deposit faster

One the biggest hurdles to buying your home is saving a house deposit. For decades, this challenge has been growing. In this article you’ll find ten ways to help you save the deposit faster.

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Do first home buyers pay stamp duty in Australia?

Buying a house comes with a lot of hidden costs, stamp duty is the biggest and not so hidden. The good news is that all Australian states and territories have some form of discount for first home buyers.

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Using super to buy a home in

If you’ve been struggling to find a home that meets your needs and budget, you might consider the ways outlined in this article to access your superannuation and increase your buying power.

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How to access equity in your

There are many financial products on the market for accessing equity in your home, but it's important to find one that best meets your needs and life circumstances. 

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Has mortgage stress become the norm?

 Mortgage stress? You're not alone. This article discusses how common mortgage stress is in Australia as well as the underlying causes of mortgage stress and who is being most affected by it. 

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3 switches that will reduce mortgage stress

There’s a wide range of legal, financial and logistical things you’ll need to do to get ready for settlement. This article will help you navigate the steps you need to take before settling on your new home.

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Buying a better home, sooner

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Unlocking my equity with ease

I'm looking to learn more about

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Buying a better home, sooner
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Unlocking my equity with ease