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Sanya Milic

2IC | Senior Property Manager


How long have you been in Real Estate?

"12 years."

What do you love the most about working in Property Management?

"I love meeting new and interesting clients."

How do you provide the best service to your clients? 

"I pride myself on my strong negotiation skills, empathy and learning to think outside the box."

What's the best advice that you can give to a Residential Rental Provider?

"Make sure your property meets minimum standards for a smoother tenancy, and do not skip on reference checks - Sometimes it is worth giving new Renters a chance too."

Why is LongView different to other agencies?

"We have a large team who helps one another so there is always someone who can assist with anything that may arise."

What do you do in your free time outside of work?

"I love to take my son out and about. I also enjoy reading and when Melbourne allows, enjoy the beaches."