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Ben Eastman

Property Analyst


Ben is currently completing his Honours year in a Bachelor of Applied Science in Property and Valuation, in which is he is writing his thesis on how Australia as a whole can solve the housing affordability issue for new buyers while still maintaining a strong performing housing sector for current investors.

Ben recently finished up representing RMIT in a global Real Estate Case Competition for a hypothetical re-development in Greater Toronto as the Financial Analyst and has worked in Project and Construction Management as well as Property Advisory roles for companies such as Lendlease and Colliers International. This year he has also joined the Army Reserves as an Officer Cadet and is hoping to assist in humanitarian roles once completing his training.


How long have you been in real estate?

"I have been studying and working in real estate for 3 years."


What aspect of real estate are you an expert in, or what aspect are you most proud of that you do?

"Being able to analyse and extrapolate raw data and numbers as well as research the bigger picture and market while listening to clients needs and reporting and presenting it in a tangible and helpful way, to successfully communicate what the current status of value of a property is or what a next potential investment is."


What is the strangest thing you have had to deal with, in your career in real estate?

"While working in India for Colliers, seeing what the term ‘developing country’ literally meant in a real estate sense, when I was working on a high-rise building be put up right next to a paddock, all while seeing Rolls Royces share the same lanes as horse and carriages, on my commute to work. The world is moving forwards quickly, and the need for expert management of this development became so much more apparent to my eyes!"


What is the most interesting non-Real Estate job you have ever had, and what about that job has helped you most in your current real estate role?

"Senior Boundary Umpire for Local Footy. I have been able to incorporate the skill of dealing with multiple people, on two opposing sides, as a well as a vocal crowd, and still be able to make an accurate and swift decision. I had no choice but to learn that not everyone is going to be happy with my decisions, so being able to deal with difficult people by being articulate, patient and strategic are great skills that also transfer in helping either difficult tenants, and backing up the client, or even being able to reassure my client of any issue they want clarification of."


What is the one piece of advice you would give a new landlord/vendor/client?

"My advice would be that there is no one type of generic ideal investment property. It all depends on what your individual circumstances, goals and risk appetite are. Therefore, we will find the right property for you, taking into account your circumstances and applying our knowledge and expertise."